
Was unsere Kunden sagen

„Dafür, dass ich eigentlich für meine Selbstständigkeit gar keine „Page“ mehr einrichten wollte, hat es in der kurzen Zeit richtig Spaß gemacht diese mit Robin zu gestalten und das zu einem fairen Preis!

Sympathisch und mit Kompetenz wurde die Idee strukturiert, variiert, umgekrempelt.

Texte und Bilder wurden so arrangiert um letztendlich eine „Page“ wie aus einem Guss, ohne Schnörkel, kurz, knackig und anziehend zu haben. Toll Robin und danke für Deine Geduld mit mir. :)

Danke auch für deine Geduld und die vielen extra Tipps und Hilfen rund um die verhexte IT.

Jürgen Bach

I am so grateful that I met Robin while teaching yoga in Germany.

He offered to build my homepage, which I desperately needed for my online business.

We spoke about my website ideas and Robin was so patient with explaining to me how i can improve it, he shared lots of ideas about business and i just felt trust in his ability to bring my old sad-looking and confusing webpage into an attractive professional website.

We collaborated together to make it come alive.

Robin taught me so many new skills, but more importantly he believed in my vision and mission, he cheered me on and infused me with believing more in myself and my ability to run a successful online business. I really value that.

His ideas have always been inspirational, innovative and super creative, i love that about him, he is thinking outside the box and it’s refreshing.

Robin has been working hard and showed a lot of support during the process.

Now when my new website is up and running i can’t thank him enough, i feel so blessed and happy that he helped me make it look so beautiful.

My new website reflects my personality and my uniqueness. I keep on getting comments from my clients about how beautiful and professional my website is and they ask me who did it.

I tell them about Robin’s amazing work.

Every time i go on my website I feel deep sense of appreciation for Robin’s talents. I know i can reach out to him anytime i need help and it feels so reassuring.

Alla Kozyreva






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